Happy Friday friends! I know it's been a little bit since I've updated you on life. Sometimes it's hard to keep up/stay organized with all the events, projects and other life happenings.
1. Lunch with Chelsea Handler
Last Friday I got to attend a lunch with Chelsea freaking Handler - I know right?! It was the coolest things ever. She was speaking at an event to raise money for the Karam Foundation at the Langham Hotel. The Karam Foundation is a local non-profit organization, founded back in 2007, that raises money to help build a better future for Syrian people stretching from Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan. Before Chelsea sat down the co-founders of the organization talked passionately about their mission. I'm sure many of us know about the 6 year war going on in Syria that has forced many Syrian families to flee their homes. Only not many of us know how we can get involved here in the United States. This is where the support of activists like Chelsea Handler play an important role - she helps raise money and awareness for the Karam Foundation, to help better the lives of Syrian refugees.
Yet another reason why Chelsea Handler is one of the coolest woman ever (and yes she is as cool in person as she seems on her show). I always thought she was a badass but after listening to her speak in person that admiration was pushed that over the top.
One of the more interesting topics she brushed on was her method for tackling fear. As hard as it is to believe, she has fears just like everyone else. The only difference is that she faces them head on. Anything that scares her she dive in full throttle - like public speaking. Go figure? One of the most outspoken woman in Hollywood used to have a fear of public speaking.
She also talked about knowing what you want out of life and putting in the hard work to get to where you want to be. Especially when you're in your twenties - she emphasized how important it is to be willing to put your nose to grind and work hard.
2. Photography Workshop
If you read Wednesday's post then you learned all about Windy City Blogger's first photography workshop. It was awesome to be part of the planning process from finding the venue to creating the workshop handout. We decided to put on the workshop because when it comes to blogging, photographs are an extremely important element in order to draw readers to your blog. The goals was to have a day where members could come and ask anything and everything related to photography - with the help of some fantastic photographers - Regan Baroni and Julie Kennedy It was such a cool event and I hope we do another one soon!
3. Miami Vacation
Two weeks ago I made my first trip down to Miami, Florida with one of my girlfriends and to say it was an adventure would be an understatement. We went from a sketchy Airbnb in Little Haiti to a swanky boutique hotel in Coral Cables and ended up only spending two hours total on an actual beach. But hey I wouldn't trade those memories for anything - let's just say I may or may not have cried when I saw the ocean. BUT to be fair it was my first time ever being able to dip my toes in the ocean WHILE there was a rainbow overhead...so sue me for getting overwhelmed with emotion.
4. Mother's Day
Mother's Day is on Sunday and I can't help but think I need to make this one a little extra special. My mom does so much for me and my family. It's hard to think of a gift that shows her how much she truly means to us. Right now, the only thing I have on my list is a salad spinner...I know I'm terrible when it comes to gifts.
5. Bachelorette Party Planning
My sister is getting married this Fall and as the maid of honor I have the lovely duty of planning the bachelorette party. Which means I've been spending my fair share of time on Pinterest. Actually if you have any suggestion on what to do/what to buy, anything really, I would extremely grateful. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed and need some tips!
I hope you have a great weekend!