Last weekend I made a trip to South Bend, Indiana to visit friends from college. One of them had been thinking about starting a blog for a while but just needed that little push to get her site off the ground. As I explained to her all the different elements that go into a creating a blog, I realized I knew so much about blogging but had never explained why I started THIS blog.
Every time I got asked about it I would get frustrated with myself. People would ask what type of blog I had or what my "niche" was. The truth of the matter is, I like fashion and I'm fascinated with how people express themselves through what they wear but I had no interest in being a style blogger. I like to eat food but then again, who doesn't? Basically, I don't go near the kitchen unless it's to raid the fridge; who knows maybe that will change with age. I'm no fitness guru (I laughed in my head just thinking about physical activity). I enjoy running outside and that's about it. Yeah, I've tried Zumba but always got overshadowed by moms in their 40s — they seriously were killing it. I wish I could be a travel blogger but let's just say I ain't got the funds
"So what exactly will you talk about?"
Ever since I was little I've always enjoyed writing about my experiences yet had a tendency to never show my work. Frankly, it just came down to being afraid to share because I was extremely shy when I was younger.
Let’s just say a lot has changed since then.
Now I'm a twenty-something working in PR, who would have thought? My job requires me to attend a lot of pretty cool events. Friends are always curious as to where I'll be next so I figured this could be somewhere I could talk about what's happening in my life and all sorts of topics I think other women my age would be able to relate to.
Ask any one of my close friends if I overshare and they'll aggressively nod their heads 'yes'. It's a terrible habit but once if I feel comfortable around someone the floodgates burst open. That's why I wanted to write a blog. I wanted to share my experiences and my love of Chicago. In a nutshell, it's a fun hobby. Yes, I work for a business that focuses on helping bloggers in Chicago but I feel as though I've taken the less traditional route.
So I'll talk about Chicago (mostly), anything design-related because I'm truly in awe of people who have the ability to create, my travels, and advice I can give; although take my advice with a grain of salt *side note: I literally just had to look up if it was "a great assault" or "a grain of salt" because I like to use idioms I don't understand.
Cheers to oversharing!