I realize I haven’t talked much about design/art and honestly, it’s because I haven't been feeling as inspired lately so I've put it on the backburner the past few months. But at the beginning of the month, my friend and I took advantage of a free week at the Art Institute of Chicago (the first week in February for Illinois residents) and explored the whole museum. I love all the museums in Chicago but the Art Institue has to be one of my favorites. It was so much fun to wander around but it also made me think:
Why do we care?
I thought a little harder on the topic and tried to think back to the first time I gained more of an appreciation for art. Then remembered my sophomore year of college was when it really clicked, when I took a Fundamental Art class. My professor -- one of my favorites throughout school -- made me think differently about an artist's piece of work and appreciate it on a whole new level. Before when I would go to museums or art galleries I would take the piece for its surface worth. I would look at a painting and decide then and there if I liked it.
Have you ever seen a piece of work and thought "Seriously, that's art? I could have totally made that."
But that's the whole thing. You didn’t. My professor tried to explain that it's much more about the human behind the piece.
Art is more about the process; how the artist got to the finished product. What were they feeling at that time? Why did they use the medium that they did?
Why do we need art?
What I've come to realize is that art is essentially part of being human. We need to have some way of our expressing ourselves. That's what makes it so fascinating. Everyone has a brain; everyone uses their brain whether you tend to lean more towards the left or right side. For example, if each person was given one adjective and asked to draw the first thing that came to mind; no one would create the exact same piece of work. How awesome is that? Granted ideas might be similar but no two would be identical.
I know I'm no expert when it comes to art. Most of the time I enjoy wandering around admiring people's work. But there's a greater sense of appreciation when you learn about the human behind the piece, how they got to that point and what they felt when they were creating it.
"Art is not always about pretty things. It's about who we are, what happened to us, and how our lives are affected." - Elizabeth Broun
Why do enjoy art or going to museums? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
P.S. If you'd like to see more photos check out the gallery here.