I can't remember where I read it but I remember reading about how in order to become a better writer you need jot down all your thoughts, everyday. Everything and anything that goes through your mind.
A Local's Guide to Geneva, Illinois
Since I've lived in Geneva, Illinois for majority of my life, I figured I would give you the breakdown from a local's perspective. The best part of it all: if you live in the city, Geneva is only an hour train ride away. Trust me it's well worth the trip.
How to Get Out of a Freelance Rut
Step away from the computer. Well no, not yet! At least not until you read this post, of course. So you’ve found yourself in a freelance rut? No need to sweat. It happens to the best of us.
It's All About Balance: Finding What Works
Between juggling new clients, a new relationship, family and friends it has gotten a little hectic. But when I get stressed I can't help but laugh because it's not healthy to stress the small stuff, especially when it is things you can't change.
The Minimalist Approach
"Not that you should own nothing but that nothing should own you" - I'm taking Spring cleaning to a whole new level.