Hey friends, I know it's been a while and for that I apologize. There's been so many changes going on recently that I haven't been able to find the time to sit and write. All good things, no worries :) So, I decided to change all that this evening.
A few weeks ago I said goodbye to the Windy City Blogger Collective. It was more sudden than I expected and definitely bittersweet. I've learned so much over the past two years with WCBC. It's difficult for me to try and sum up everything that I've learned this past year. Honestly, I could have never imagined my life would take such a crazy turn after graduation but boy, am I happy it did.
I've been trying to put into words what this change means for me. For starters it's a new chapter. What I've come to learn is that nothing every goes the way you plan, no matter how many "right moves" you make. I had no plan after I graduated college like many other young adults my age. The only thing I knew was that if I pursued things I was interested in, the rest would fall into place.
I knew it would take time and I don't think I'm exactly there yet but I have to remind myself that life isn't a sprint but more of a marathon (I know I'm throwing all sorts of cliche at you today). It's been a challenge but I've learned to become more patient.
Good things come to those who wait.
This sentiment could not ring more truth. Since I'm updating you on my life I guess I should mention I have a boyfriend of about six months. If were being candid I've never been in a relationship, there are many reasons as to why I have remained single up until this point. Deep down I alway knew what I wanted. It was hard to accept that a relationship wasn't in my cards during the time it seems to be the one thing everyone cares about the most. Last spring, I had reached a point where I had basically given up. Not in a melodramatic way but in the way where I accepted that part of my life and I knew that I had become more comfortable with the idea.
But of course, life has a funny way of playing tricks on you. The night I met Rob, yes that's his name, I was fully content who I was and the things going on in my life. I was out to have a good time and meet new people. Low and behold Rob was at the same bar as me the week of the Chicago St. Patrick's Day parade and the rest was history. It's crazy to think you can go your whole life missing the mark and it can turn out to be for the right reason. It hard to think that you may not know it at the time but things that are meant to be will be. I know I hate myself for even typing these lines but it's true.
Besides my relationship, I have started a full time position in the city which I'm really excited about. It's a great company and I'm to see where this leads. Now the next step is moving out of my parents house and attempting to find a decent apartment in the city that won't cost an arm and a leg.
Finally, the first of my twelve cousins' weddings was a few weeks ago and now my sister is getting married at the end of the month. That's a whole lot of love being spread around the family but it also means lots of dancing and alcohol.
That's all I have at the moment but I'm trying to make a commitment to myself and write on the blog more often. Now that I don't have as much time I'm considering reworking this into a portfolio more so than anything else.
Have a great rest of your week!