Well hey there, I feel like it has been a little while since we chatted on a personal level. Lately, I've been trying to figure out what exactly I want from this blog and I've been struggling to create content. If I'm being honest, I want to talk about things that have been going on in my life but for some odd reason I feel like that's too personal for the Internet.
Here's the deal I'm not good at writing articles people actually want to read. I can't stand making lists "10 Ways to Be Productive" or "12 Ways to Know Your In the Right Career" -- you know the drill. HAH! I even thought it was dumb to tell people why I like Spring but that's exactly what I did last week. Only because I had no freaking idea what to talk about. But frankly, who cares? All I really wanted to do was talk about why I've felt like I've been pulled in every direction this past month -- a long story which I will update you on at the end of the week. I know I've mentioned before that I love talking about relationships and personal discovery, it's something that I really enjoy yet I can't seem to find on other blogs that do so to a certain extent.
There are countless blogs telling people what to wear and what to buy and honestly it's a bit much (no offense to the girls who run fashion blogs, they take a lot time and effort and I give you a lot of credit). That's not me.
I want to talk about things that matter in my life, no matter how boring they seem to the outside person. Things that I feel women my age are dealing with and showcasing local Chicagoans and their talents (like Oona Holtane), specifically in creative fields. Basically in it's most basic sense it's the essence of being human -- wanting to learn about life through the stories told.
I was talking to my friend Jess of 26 and Not Counting and found that we have a similar style of writing -- I don't know how to write without talking about personal things going on in my life. Which is somewhat humorous because most of the time I don't come off that way when you first meet me -- yes I know I'm a bit of an odd one. But then again anyone who wants to share their emotions with strangers is a little out there.
So with that, I'm going to genuinely make an effort to write in the most honest voice possible. Because if I don't what is the point of it all? Who am I helping?
I would love to know your thoughts! I feel like everyone and their nana has a blog these days (which is great!) I just want to know that people are being genuine with their voice. Ya feel?