I've thought about that word a lot lately and how we show kindness to one another. I constantly ask myself if I show enough kindness throughout my day. It seems like such a simple concept but with all the craziness in the world lately, I feel as though acts of kindness have slowly dwindled.
Like all things, the Internet has brought about a lot of good but has also been the catalyst for some much divide and hatred, specifically in the recent election.
Now before I get into this more I should start by saying I'm not one to normally broadcast my opinions to the world. But I feel it's necessary to touch on the hatred I've seen.
There has been so much hate and nastiness on the election on social media that it's been hard to have a positive outlook on our country's current situation. It wears on your emotions to see people tear one another down. I can't seem to wrap my head around why.
I get that people are in search of something to believe in. Everyone wants to be a part of something bigger. But if it's fueled by hate, how does that help anyone?
This a question I don't have the answer to but that's just it. No one has the right answer. What I do know is that no matter your beliefs, you owe it to your fellow American to show them kindness. Different opinions are what make this country great. It would be boring if we all had the same opinions. BUT that's completely different than to state someone else's opinion is invalid. We ALL live here and we ALL have opinions. No one person better than the other
Why is this concept hard for some to grasp? I'd like to think it's because of ignorance. I'll admit I grew up in a very sheltered environment until I moved to Kentucky for college. I lived in the city of Louisville and it surprised me with its progressiveness. They embrace the weird.
Not many people are exposed to ideas and beliefs different from their own. Sometimes they're unable to take a step back and realize there are two sides to every argument. So with that being said, my goal isn't to change your opinions. Those are yours. But I just hope that as humans we can remove ourselves from a heated argument and look at the bigger picture. We all live here and deserve respect and consideration.